About Us

About Us
My name is Scotlyn Brengman
I have been involved with Equine and Human health for 8 years now and I have found such a passion to help both Horses and Humans with their health journeys.
Horses have been apart of my life since day one and I have always had a dream to work with them. I now have been practicing Equine Bodywork for 7+ years and I would not change a thing. Everything from, soft tissue work, to muscle manipulations, to stretching and exercising.
Before my equine business became full time for me, I worked part time at a Physical Therapy office. This is where I truly found furthered passion working with people. I was greatly encouraged by my collages that I should also pursue massage/bodywork for people.
I now have officially been working with people for 3 years. Practicing everything form soft tissue work, to Red Light Therapy and to Magnawave Therapy.
Needless to say, I am here for all your Horse and Rider needs! Even if you don’t have a horse, I am here for you too!