Welcome to Northern Divine Therapy

Thank you for visiting Northern Divine Therapy!
Here our goal is to bring Humans and Horses to a healthier state, both physically and mentally. With over 8+ years of training in both Human and Equine health, it is my goal to help you and/or your horse to get as strong and healthy as possible!
Let us work together on getting yourself and/or your equine partner on a healthier track of performance and overall well being!
Our motto has been and will always be,
“Compassion Today for a Healthier Tomorrow”
Today is your day to start! Lets do it!
Our Services

We provide a full equine examination, all of which include, Confirmation Evaluation, Gait Movement, Range Of Motion, and Muscle Palpation.

We provide both Relaxation and Therapeutic massage techniques, working to bring both your physical and mental tension to an ease. With using different soft tissue manipulations we will work together on getting you back to feeling healthier than ever!